Tuesday 31 August 2021

August Reflection

 Today for inquiry we were doing a August Reflection. We do this every month so we look back and see what we did during this month.

 I enjoyed reflecting what I learned during this month and writing about what I did in lockdown. I found it tricky writing about the age recommendations for the book in the reading box because I  didn't really know at first. My digital learning object shows that I can publish to the web and embed my reflection onto my blog. Please see my August reflection bellow!



  1. Dia dhuit Sophia,
    Reflecting on our learning is always great as we have a real sense of achievement, and can be proud of everything we have done.
    Remember some of your readers are not in our class so you need to explain things more fully. Why did you make a rongoā sign? How does mānuka heal?
    I am enjoying reading your blogs - kepp up the fantastic work.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden

    1. Dia dhuit Mrs Naden,
      Thank you for your helpful feedback.
      I will edit my August Reflection and explain things more carefully, then I will update my blog.
      Mā te wā,


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments:
Positive - something done well
Thoughtful - a sentence to let me know that you have read, watched or listened to my blog
Helpful - give some ideas for next time or ask a question

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